
Invitation to Composers has come to an end after two years of intense and exhilarating activities, two years of discoveries and of self-discovery for the composers, performers and the participating audiences. Regrets there must be at having to bring down the curtain on this wondrous adventure into the world of phantasy and sound – unconventional, captivating and surreal. We got closer than ever before to understanding creative human resources and imagination, explored the roots of inspiration and made the absorbing journey to the heart of the composition and ultimately to its performance.
Most memorable were the players’ face-to-face encounters with the composers, the ensuing dialogue, the interest in one another’s horizons and skills, and the building of musical friendships. We presented a working formula between composer-performer-audience that stimulated and enlightened. We have been visionary in opening doors between great traditions of the past and contemporary thought. We enriched our cultural heritage with ingenious and valuable musical combinations that are missing from the standard repertoire, inspired by music, literature, visual arts, history and nature. We have been ambitious in giving thirty non-main-stream composers from twelve countries the chance to be heard and understood and for their works to be performed and recorded. It was a privilege to meet and work with them. We thank them warmly for their trust and co-operation.
The London Schubert Players Trust, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris and the InfoManager Association in Bucharest join me in thanking everyone who, by kindness or curiosity, participated in the project.
Anda Anastasescu
- Artistic Director, London Schubert Players
- Project Director, Invitation to Composers
2011 Highlights
The project entered its last phase in January 2011 presenting 17 World Premières by 15 composers from UK, Romania, Norway, Sweden, France, Italy, Croatia and Belarus.
Outstanding compositions for 12 solo instruments, and for septets with voice, viola, piano, piano 4 hands and string quintet.
- 29 June - Bolivar Hall, London Le Jardin Enchanté
- 6 July - Romanian Cultural Institute, London The Song that Never Ends
- 27 August - St Botolph’s Trunch, Norfolk Endsummer Night’s Dream
- 28 August - St Edmund’s Acle, Norfolk Ave Maria
- 4 September - Romanian National Broadcasting House, Bucharest Music of the 21st Century
- 19 September - Kings Place, London Enescu’s Farewell
- 23 October - Royal Academy of Music, London Plus fort que le Destin
- 28 October - Palais de Béhague, Paris Les Adieux
Reservations advisable from: London Schubert Players Trust
Tel: 020 7603 1396
Email: [email protected]
Read more about the composers and the works included in the concert programmes here.